Multidisicplinary Graphic Designer with a passion
for unique layouts, typography and distorted shapes
Wonky Chair 
I have been aware of the cultural transformation that we have been going through around mental health globally, becoming much more accepting, sensitive, and inclusive of mental health. I wanted to take advantage of this momentum to create something that makes people with ADHD feel included and accepted as well. So, I started thinking about my own experience with ADHD and remembered how I used to not be able to sit still in class, constantly rocking my chair back and forth. Inspired by my experience of trying to fit into the education system, I decided to shape this project around the idea of the rocking chair, making it an interactive communication piece. I came across the concept of participatory design, which is a more democratic and collective way of design that serves the community. I decided that I want to bring an element of participatory design to my work by involving my audience as well as people with ADHD in the process. So, I interviewed people with ADHD in order to create the content for my project with the intention of making people feel heard and understood. As a result, my project aims to create awareness about the struggles people with ADHD face, disrupting the stigma of ADHD and inviting the community to empathize.